Due Dates & Reminders

Jan 15 4th Estimated tax payment is due
Jan 31 1099s are due
March 15 1120 S and 1065 are due
April 15 1040 and 1120 are due. 1st Estimated tax payment is due.
May 15 Personal Property Tax for Indiana are due Form 103 and 104 and 105
June 15 2nd Estimated tax payment is due
September 15 3rd Estimated tax payment is due
Oct-Dec good time to do tax planning

Please send your documents to us in January if possible. Generally tax returns will go on extension if we get the documents in April.

Meetings should be held May through December not during tax season.  Please help us with meetings so we can get your tax returns finished quicker.

PTET is the new Indiana tax deduction.  Deduct Indiana taxes paid if the Pass Through Entity(1065 or 1120 S) pays Indiana taxes and makes the PTET election,

An extension is an extension of the paperwork not an extension of the tax liability. Pay an estimated tax due with your extension.

Keep up to date with bookkeeping.  I recommend QBO or Waveapps.com.  Connect your business bank account to a bookkeeping software to sync transactions and create a profit loss and balance sheet.

Thank you for choosing us to help your through your tax scenarios.

Why Choose Us

Skills & Knowledge

We have the skills to help you resolve any tax issues you might have. Our experienced staff will analyze data; ensure compliance with applicable standards, rules, and regulations.

Tax Saving Advice

When your business is small, you know every aspect of the business, but as your business grows, you can lose control and that’s when you need a knowledgeable accounting firm to take hold of the reins and steer you in the right direction.


To reach the top and to be prosperous requires planning and forethought, that’s what we offer our clients. We have the expertise and the knowledge to offer safe and secure means of planning for your business future.

The future generation is our drive and our mission. Please take a look at our logo and notice the plants. One is a Lily flower named after my daughter Lilly. The branch flowing under the business name is a willow tree branch named after my 2nd daughter Willow. I look at our logo everyday and remind myself to work hard for the next generation.

Woodbury Group, LLC is here to serve the community the best way we can. We don’t just prepare tax returns, we consider ourselves as advisors for small businesses in Johnson County and surrounding areas. Small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities. Let’s support small businesses who are supporting the next generation and the community.

Let Woodbury Group, LLC serve you and your business. We bring council and ideas to your small business. We are an asset, not an expense. We bring value to your business. Thank you for your sacrifice and hard work.

Learn more about what we can offer you.


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    Woodbury Group, LLC

    7915 S. Emerson Ave., Ste B, Indianapolis, IN 46237-8557